A Closure is a set of FDs is a set of all possible FDs that can be derived from a given set of FDs. It is also referred as a Complete set of FDs. If F is used to donate the set of FDs for relation R, then a closure of a set of FDs implied by F is denoted by F+. Let's consider the set F of functional dependencies given below:
F = {A -> B, B -> C, C -> D}
from F, it is possible to derive following dependencies.
A -> A ...By using Rule-4, Self-Determination.
A -> B ...Already given in F.
A -> C ...By using rule-3, Transitivity.
A -> D ...By using rule-3, Transitivity.
Now, by applyiing Rule-6 Union, it is possible to derive A+ -> ABCD and it can be denoted using A -> ABCD. All such type of FDs derived from each FD of F form a closure of F. Steps to determine F+example:
Input : Let F be a set of FDs for relation R.
1. X+ = X //initialize X+ to X
2. For each FD : Y -> Z in F Do
If Y ⊆ X+ Then //If Y is contained in X+
X+ = X+ ∪ Z //add Z to X+
End If
End For
3. Return X+ //Return closure of X
Output : Closure X+ of X under F
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