Type Conversion and Casting.

There are two kind of type conversion in Java:

  1. Implicit type-conversion:
  2. Explicit type-casting:

1. Implicit type-conversion:

Implicit type-conversion performed by the compiler automatically; if there will be no loss of precision.


int i = 3;
double f;
f = i;// it is ok, no explicit type casing required.
// here, f = 3.0

Widening Conversion:

The rule is to promote the smaller type to bigger type to prevent loss of precision, known as Widening Conversion (as above example).

2. Explicit type-casting:

  • Explicit type-casting performed via a type-casting operator in the prefix form of (new-type) operand.
  • Type-casting forces an explicit conversion of type of a value. Type casting is an operation which takes one operand, operates on it and returns an equivalent value in the specified type.


newValue = (typecast)value;


double f = 3.5;
int i;
i = (int)f;	// it cast double value 3.5 to int 3.

Narrowing Casting:

Explicit type cast is requires to Narrowing conversion to inform the compiler that you are aware of the possible loss of precision (as above example).

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