Identifiers and Literals


An Identifier is needed to name a variable.
An identifier is sequence of character, of any length, comprising uppercase and lowercase letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9z), underscore _ and dollar sign $.

Java imposes the following rules on identifiers

  • White space (blank, tab, newline) and other special characters (such as +, -, *, /, @, &, commas, etc.) are not allowed.
  • An identifier must begin with letter (a-z, A-Z) or underscore (_).
  • It cannot begin with digits (0-9).
  • Identifiers begin with dollar sign $ are reserved for system-generated entities. So, you can not use it.
  • An identifier cannot be a reserved keyword or a reserved literals (e.g. class, int, double, if, else, for, true, false, null).
  • Identifiers are case sensitive. A Tutorialink is not same as TUTORIALINK and tutorialink.


  • A literal is a specific constant value or raw data, such as 123, -456, 3.14, 'a', "hello", that is used in the program source.
  • They are called literals because they literally and explicitly identify their values.
  • It can be of any Java data types.

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